YARD launching Imagine! Decatur this Week

On February 23rd and 24th, YARD & Company will be kicking off the Imagine! Decatur project with our partners at SB Friedman, BF&S, the City of Indianapolis, Decatur Township and the Decatur Township Community Development Corporation. Over the last several years there has been considerable planning to extend the Ameriplex Parkway into Decatur Township. At just over three miles long the extension could provide a continuous east-west connection through the Township, creating a unique opportunity to re-shape what’s possible for the Township and the region. Imagine! Decatur is a community-led effort to ensure that the development strategies planned along the corridor are inclusive and part of a larger community vision. The project will take approximately six months to complete and will officially kick off with several digital and in-person opportunities for engagement.



  • Thursday, February 23rd

    • 10a - 12p, West Newton Market (7638 Mooresville Rd.) Pop Up

    • 6-8p, Decatur Township School for Excellence (5106 S. High School Rd.) 2nd Floor Pop Up

  • Friday, February 24th

    • 9a - 11a, Dunkin’ (7015 Kentucky Ave.) Pop Up