One Week Coworking

Widespread change is afoot that is giving underperforming neighborhoods back their own GDP. In Cincinnati’s Westwood, however, no place existed to go work from during the day and the daytime population is not strong enough to support any type of retail scene except sparingly on nights and weekends. The YARD Demand Discovery process was used to test the viability of an active daytime use this month, instead of on paper in our final report. With West Side Brewing as a partner, we tested a coworking concept for one week. West Side Brewing is one of those places that could not justify opening the doors before 4 PM because of that same lack of daytime population. So, we tweaked the hours to 8 AM and activated the dormant space. Twenty to fifty people came in each day. At the end of the week-long pilot, West Side Brewing had seen enough to keep it going into subsequent weeks, each week continuing to tinker with the model to find what suits the demand best.