Memphis Uptown

Uptown Memphis is the oldest subdivision of Memphis, just north of downtown. Once a thriving streetcar neighborhood, it suffered generations of decline and malinvestment through urban renewal. More recently, it has seen modest investment through HOPE VI redevelopment of housing projects and the Harbortown on Mud Island. In 2018, the City/County government allocated a new $95 million TIF allocation through the Community Reinvestment Agency (CRA) to be invested into the community in the next 14 years. To assist in the smart leveraging of this funding, a master plan and implementation strategy accompanied by a community operations plan for the CRA was developed. The process included active engagement, a week-long design charrette, and a detailed build out of a development toolkit that met the diverse communities where they are today. To aid in the CRA Board’s investment decisions, a development Scorecard was also developed that ensured transparency and efficiency in meeting community goals.